SIW 2021 11.7.1116a Technician Multilingual + Portable


wafiapps.net_SIW 2021SIW 2021 11.7.1116a Technician

System Information for Windows analyzes your computer and presents comprehensive information about its properties and settings in an extremely understandable manner. The software generates a report file (HTML, JSON, CSV, TXT or XML), which can be run in batch mode (software license management for servers, hardware, and software inventory, and security audits). You can also download NXPowerLite Desktop Edition 9.1.2 Full + Portable

There are a few major categories of System Information:

Software Information: Operating System, Software Licenses / Passwords Recovery, Installed Programs, Applications & Security, Accessibility & Environment, Regional Settings and File Associations or Running Processes or Loaded DLLs&Drivers/ NT Services, Autorun/ ..Scheduled Tasks & Databases, Audio and Video Codecs, Shared DLLs, ActiveX/MMC Snap-Ins & Shell Extensions/ Event Viewer and Certificates, etc.

Hardware Information: System Summary & Motherboard & BIOS & CPU /, Memory, Sensors & Devices,/ Chipset, PCI/AGP/USB and ISA/PnP Devices & System Slots, Network Adapters/Video Card & Monitor, Sound Devices/Storage Devices,& Logical Disks & Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Battery and Power Policy, Printers, etc.

Network Information: A description of the configuration of a network, its statistics, Active Directory users, groups, connections, and shares, as well as open ports.
Network Tools: Wake On LAN, MAC Address Changer, Host Scan, Ping, Trace, Remote Licenses etc.
Miscellaneous Tools: Eureka , Shutdown & Restart & Monitor Test/MUICache Viewer, URL Explorer and Open Files etc.

It is a standalone utility that does not require installation (Portable Application) – therefore, you have one fewer program on your PC and the ability to run it directly from a USB stick, network drive, or domain login script.

Technical Setup Details And System Requirments

File Name: SIW 2021
File Installation Name: SIW 2021 11.7.1116a Technician Multilingual + Portable
Setup Size: 21.62 MB
Ram: 512 MB Of RAM
HDD: 300 MB For Installation
Compatibility: 32-Bit/64-Bit
Display: 1280×768
Language: English
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1 and Windows 10 download

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