MSWLogo 6.5b


wafiapps.net_MSWLogo 6Open-supply programming environment

MSWLogo is a Logo-based totally programming surroundings developed within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is an open-supply logo programming software program whose source code is available in Borland C++. MSW should be interpreted with Logo – a comparable academic programming language. It is outfitted with a the front stop graphical person interface that helps Turtle photographs and 3-d pc images. This permits you to create verbal exchange and parallel ports. It additionally supports Windows interface so you can carry out input/output (I/O) on any Windows tool walking Windows XP and older.

User-friendly coding environment

This coding environment uses a circle of relatives of programming languages referred to as list processing or LISP. It is a normally used language for artificial intelligence and enhancing information strings. The LISP is displayed on a simple and prepared consumer interface, making it available for all user tiers. The MSWLogo display has two components: the Drawing window and the Commander window. Underneath the Commander window is the textual content field for the Logo Drawing Commands.

The instructions are typed into the text box as abbreviations, particularly:

FD – Forward

BK – Backward

RT – proper

LT – left

CS – clearscreen

Each command have to be observed with the aid of one price as its argument. The arguments for FD and BK should be in units even as people with RT and LT can be any integer associated with angles. For instance, FD 60 manner forward 60 steps even as rt ninety approach proper turn ninety tiers.

You can click the Execute button or press the Enter on your keyboard when you’re prepared to create or run your instructions. These trustworthy instructions mixed with the simple interface make this a suitable software for novices and superior users that need to benefit an in-intensity information of creating Turtle snap shots



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